Learning about something is one thing but actually doing it is another.

Saya kenal ramai orang yang dah actually tahu apa nak buat but never do. One of it is myself a year ago.

You might know this story, saya dah siapkan buku Sell Your Skill actually bulan 6 tahun lepas. Tapi kenapa setahun kemudian baru saya launch?

Fear of failure? Fear of rejection from others?

Bila difikirkan balik, saya sendiri tak tahu the reason kenapa saya tak start dari tahun lepas. And saya menyesal sebab I could’ve helped more people.

The same goes to you. Ingat yang selling your skill will impact others. I have this quote:

The income you make lasts for a meal. The impact you give lasts for a lifetime.

Think about the long-term game, not the short-term gain.

So here’s my plea to YOU.

Untuk 30 hari akan datang, just do the work. Believe in yourself as much as I BELIEVE IN YOU.